The accepted manuscripts have been published as "Open Access" in a special volume of the American Institute of Physics Proceedings series:
AIP Proc. Vol. 1934
Each registered participant is encouraged to submitt a manuscript. More than one manuscript per registered participant will require and additional fee to cover publication costs.
Manuscripts will be peer-reviewed.
Must be submitted in the "camera ready" format
by Email to ldsd2016@fis.cinvestav.mx
during September 12-16, 2016. Extended deadline: October 7
Authors will be requested to precisely follow the instructions to write the manuscript in a "camera-ready" format.
NOTE: Failure to follow exactly the requested format will cause the rejection of the manuscript.
Maximum length of camera-ready manuscripts:
Regular contributions: 4 pages (max)
Invited talks: 10 pages (max)
Do not foreget to send the signed copyright document with your manuscript. Verify the correct title and authors.
Please send:
1) Original manuscript. Please indicate the code of your presentation (for example Tu-P09).
2) PDF Version of the manuscript
3) Signed copyright form